About Us

Shelf life once tapped

4x750 ml/102oz

Winery Fresh Delicious™

100% Recyclable

Organic wine brands that are always winery fresh delicious!
Looking for the best sweet red wines or the best red wine blends? Interested in organic wine brands? The best Spanish wines? The best Italian wines? Want to keep wine fresh longer? Tired of stale wine from open bottles at your favorite bar or restaurant?
The US is now the largest wine consuming country in the World!
Since 2017 VSI distributes, through the National Beer Distributor Network, a wide selection of high-Quality Italian and Spanish Wines filled in the one-way 100% PET 19.5L PolyKeg® to improve the workings of the large US wine-by-the-glass segment. Tap4Wine LLC is located in Largo, Forida. We share our property with our parent company VS Importing.
Our full bodied wines are never exposed to oxygen and cultivated from organically grown grapes, providing amazing wine benefits and exceptional taste.
The wine market in the US has exploded in the last few years and consumption continues to grow annually, especially in the 3L segment. Tap4Wine LLC is on a mission to change the way wine is packaged, distributed and served.
In 2022 Tap4Wine is replacing serving wine from bottles with an eco-friendly, cost-effective and fresh-tasting solution… wine from 3l mini keg -Innovate packaging (link to 3L mini keg-innovate packaging).
Being wine lovers ourselves, we’re extremely proud to introduce this solution to you and insure that every glass of wine is always “Winery fresh delicious”™ up to 60 days.
We offer amazing
- Spanish white wines
- Spanish red wines
- Italian white wines
- Italian red wines
Check out our selection on our wine page.
Wine in our 3L mini keg- the purest, cleanest and freshest wine you can drink by the glass anywhere.

Contact Us Today For More Information